Oracle of Consciousness

#148 - Birthing the Age of
Unity and Transparency

The word cycle originates
from the word circle.

water droplets on glass panel

Photo by Kai Dahms on Unsplash

Photo by Kai Dahms on Unsplash

Imagine if you will, you are creating a circle with a Chinese calligraphy brush.

The circle represents totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement, and Source.

There’s a starting point, let's say at 1 o'clock from the top, you sweep your calligraphy brush round, through a lovely arc and finish up roughly at the top again, that would be a circle or a cycle.

It has a starting point, it changes direction and ends up at approximately the same point again, to stop.

The components of a cycle of action contain start, change, and stop.

Living out our life, is a cycle of action.

We are born, we change our physical structure, our mental, emotional forms, spiritual composition and then we have an end point, where we pass away, we leave this earthly existence.

Within that cycle of action, there are numerous other minor start, change, and stop cycles of action; becoming a teenager, learning to drive a car, painting, music, living relationships, marriage, parenting, all of these are cycles within a grander cycle of life.

silhouette of person kicking on mid air

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash


Some people are very good at starting activities or projects.

They are the creative people, inspirational people, entrepreneurs, artists, writers, the playwrights, pioneers and actors, to name a few.


Some people are very good at changing things, they take something and then modify it, make it better, or more elaborate.
Japanese manufacturers did an amazing job of taking DVD players, TVs, and cars, for example and made them into world-class products.

group of men in black and yellow jacket holding yellow banner

Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash


And other people are very good at stopping things.

So, we have a policeman or traffic wardens, parking inspectors, the military, often accountants and they are good at stopping things.


All Three

Ideally, in our lives, we should be able to at will, start, change, and stop any cycle of action, to take it to completion.

Sometimes because of unforeseen circumstance, a cycle of action can be interrupted or abandoned.

Here is a simple example of a cycle of action.

Brushing our teeth.

We take the top off the toothpaste, wet the toothbrush, squeeze the paste on to the brush, go through the action of brushing our teeth, then we spit out the contents, rinse out our mouth, wash the brush, put it back in the holder, replace the top back onto the toothpaste and return it to where it belongs.

The simplicity of a cycle of action, start, change and stop.

Right now, this instant and many more to come, we are going through the most unprecedented, amazing cycle of action in the history of the human family.

We've had many cycle, or ages before; from our mysterious past, the emergence from being hunter-gatherers to the agrarian society, where we started growing crops and food.

Then there was the Industrial Revolution, where we produced things, we had factories and mines, taking resources, shaping them and modifying them into things that were goods and equipment.

We've are transiting through the Information Technology (IT) Age.

Since the Internet was born, we can now Skype, Zoom, talk to or virtually message each other in what feels like a nano-second.

We are learning much more about everything and sharing this through Artificial Intelligence.

We have come a long way but ironically, have still to perfect living in peace and harmony together!

The Age of Unity and Transparency

selective-focus photograph white lotus flower

Photo by cheng feng on Unsplash

Photo by cheng feng on Unsplash

This is where we become united as
one body of human beings.

Being totally transparent with
each other.

With honesty, integrity and all
of the other beautiful human
values all melded together.

This has been foreseen by Hopi elders, Australian Aborigines, the Mayans, Aztecs, all of these indigenous cultures around the world foresaw this new era, this new beginning that is being birthed right now.

And we all, are part of it.

We came into this incarnation to herald it in,
whether we're aware of it or not.

It is through this effort of individuals starting, changing and stopping, that we're creating the new, beautiful paradigm, our new humanity.

START - We are starting loads of new ideas, never before considered, which are being formed, shaped and put into action.

CHANGE - We’re modifying and keeping some of the older more workable ideas, permaculture for agriculture has been morphed into permaculture for people, and Regenerative Agriculture as an example.

STOP - We're stopping, we are removing the elements of the old paradigm that don't work, old activities and behaviours that do not serve all people now, and were ridding ourselves of those, so we're in a grand cycle of action.

And we're all part of it.

May I say that I'm honoured to be sharing this journey with you, part of this cycle that we're all contributing to. This is unification of the human family.

So, thank you for being here and enjoy every moment of this journey.

Because you and I and everybody are creating this new reality!

Are you
ready to create
something new?